About us
What we haven't got, ...
We'll invent
This has been our motto for over 20 years. We know that it's not only the quality of our machines that is crucial, but also their compatibility with your systems. That's why we do the thinking along with you. BETEC doesn't produce machines from a catalogue. Our applications are fully compatible with your production processes and can be seamlessly integrated.
From the first design, the development and installation, to the maintenance of the machine: we are there for you. You, and the user-friendliness of the machine, come first at BETEC.
Fast service
The second thing you can rely on in addition to our personalised engineering solutions? Our extremely fast service. Because time is money – yours especially.
Problem with a BETEC machine? Our experienced technicians will repair your machine as soon as possible to minimise downtime. According to our customers (whose opinions we trust) this BETEC characteristic offers an absolute added value.
Strong ties
The third strength? The strong ties we build together. Our personalised approach means we know your production processes and machines from A to Z. There's a problem? Do you have a question about how the machine works? Considering an expansion? We offer the best solution!
BETEC introduces the renewed AT 120 GPI/GPE and ATE 120-450 generation II tempering, enrobing, and dosing machines for medium-sized production. These models offer faster startup times, enhanced energy efficiency, and easier cleaning. They can handle a wide variety of chocolates, from thick to liquid, with an optional dosing pump to feed other machines, improving production efficiency.
BETEC's launch of a state-of-the-art chocolate dosing line allows producers to process both compound and real chocolate. This advanced line offers flexibility in flavors and colors, with a design focused on easy cleaning and full automation. It significantly improves production capacity and efficiency, enabling producers to quickly and effectively respond to market demands.
25 year anniversary of BETEC and an update of the website. Redesign of the E-1050 industrial enrober. Now it's up to you: which machine or line will we design for you today?
Construction, installation and start-up of increasingly bigger custom-made industrial moulding and enrobing lines: complete systems from melted chocolate to the packaging of the products.

Development of the BETEC Robospray: an innovative robot sprayer for blisters and polycarbonate moulds.
World wide export
We export our machines to every corner of the world …
Some of our export countries are :
Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brasil, Canada, Croatia, Czechia, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Japan, Lebanon, Macedonia, Madagascar, Nigeria, Poland, Portugal, Réunion, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Serbia , South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, Turkey, United States, Vietnam