

CAT 200

Continuous automatic tempering machines

Perfectly tempered chocolate under all circumstances? Thanks to the CAT 200 you can breathe a sigh of relief. This automatic tempering machine keeps your chocolate at the right temperature at all times and you'll be amazed by the optimum crystallisation. Want to temper different chocolates at the same time or double your tempering capacity? The CAT 200D is what you need!

Are you also fed up carrying around heavy buckets of chocolate in your industrial workshop? Optimise your production process and connect the CAT-tempering machine with a melting kettle and an enrober with our custom-made double-jacketed pipes

The automatic tempering machines CAT 200 and CAT 200D



  • tempers your chocolate to perfection
  • can automatically supply other machines
  • are easy to operate using the colour touchscreen
  • are equipped with a sieve as a standard
  • are made exclusively with standard components
  • are made of AISI 304 stainless steel
  • have a three-phase 380 V 50/60 Hz connection




Continuous automatic tempering machineszoomworldwide export
Continuous automatic tempering machines
Continuous automatic tempering machines
Continuous automatic tempering machines