


Automatic mould destacker

Is it your employee's job to put moulds on the conveyor belt?

Or do you also want them to operate the rest of the line? Your employee will probably choose the latter. And so will you, if efficiency, job satisfaction and a higher output are high on your list of priorities. Get the automatic mould destacker as a stand-alone machine or integrate it in your existing line.

The automatic mould destacker



  • simplifies your production process and increases your capacity
  • is custom-made
  • can be used as a stand-alone machine or integrated with your existing machines
  • is easy to operate using the colour touchscreen
  • is built with standard components
  • is made of AISI 304 stainless steel
  • has a single-phase 230 V 50/60 Hz connection
  • can be operated with compressed air with a pressure of 6 to 8 bars


  • empty notification


Automatic mould destackerzoomworldwide export
Automatic mould destacker